Saturday 28 December 2019

News in the Pews 29th Dec 2019

Sunday 29th December

Collect for Today
God in Trinity,
eternal unity of perfect love:
gather the nations to be one family,
and draw us into your holy life
through the birth of Emmanuel,
our Lord Jesus Christ.

Post Communion Prayer
Heavenly Father,
whose blessed Son shared at Nazareth the life of an earthly home:
help your Church to live as one family,
united in love and obedience,
and bring us all at last to our home in heaven;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Services Today

St Andrew’s        9.00am     Holy Communion/BCP
St Cuthbert’s     10.30am     Joint Service for 9.15 and 10.45 and
                                            Methodist Church


Ladies Night Out:-

Mo and Carole wish you all a happy and peaceful New Year, and look forward to meeting up again for Ladies Night Out at the Oadby Grange Farm pub at 7pm on Wednesday 15th January 2020
For more information, or to book your place and ask for a lift (if needed) contact:

Mo John tel 0116 2593504 email
Carole Henson 0116 2403368 email

Bible Reading Fellowship
Please could you look at the back of church for the Bible Reading Fellowship reading notes starting in January.  There are 2 spare copies which anyone  is very welcome to take home to use free of charge. If you decide you would like to buy further copies then please contact Christine Higgins Tel: 259 2624

Coffee Morning with Isaac, Saturday 25th January 10:30 am at St Cuthbert’s. As part of his journey, Isaac would like to share some of the things he has been up to while he has been in the Community. He will come and share some of his stories and show a few pictures of the work he has done. Also as part of the time spent there he needs to raise a bit of money to help the community keep going so there will be a box for donations if you would like to give. There will also be a box for prayer requests if there is anything specific the community can lift in prayer on your behalf. Hope you can join us!

Please Pray for:
·   Mollie Alexander
·   Elizabeth Tacey
·   Andrew and Mary Porter
·   Christine Higgins
·   Dave and Helen
·   Graham Spencer
·   Chris Hadley
·   Chris Hollick

ALPHA Course starting in January.
We will be running an Alpha course. This is a 10-week course each evening starts with fellowship around a hot meal and then goes into a talk about who God is and what the Christian faith is all about. It takes time to delve into the big questions people ask and helps us to discover new understanding. After the talk we will break up into smaller groups with a group leader and discuss the questions the talk has raised in a smaller setting.
If you are interested in either coming or helping in this course please talk to Kim or Sarah about how to come or how to be involved.

Dear Church Family,
Charlie, Josiah, Isaac and I would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas this year. I know that Christmas comes with many mixed emotion both joyful and sad so we hope that your journey this Christmas finds you knowing God’s amazing grace and his peace.
I want to add a personal thank you to all of you who have journeyed with me this year. I have seen some ups and downs and you have all been there to encourage me, pray for me and walk alongside me and I can’t thank you enough for your support and I look forward to a fresh new start in 2020.
My hope and vision for 2020 is to see all of us engaged in mission, to see God work in new ways in our community. To start things off we want to run the Alpha course so I would ask you to think about anyone you might like to invite or indeed be involved yourself. We are also looking for those who would be willing to cook one of the meals (there are 10 sessions and the cost of the food will be reimbursed) and for those who would like to be a small group leader.
We are also looking into the possibility of building a ‘missional hub.’ The idea of that is to use it to bless the community. There could be a hall for us to use for the Sunday school or maybe eventually a play school. We would also love to have a church office, a prayer room and a coffee area. If we get the permission for the land it could mean extra parking as well. The heart behind this adventure would be to open our doors to the community in a new way. A place to drop in and have a coffee, say a prayer, rent the hall for different events and so much more. We want to see it as a place to come and just be, to have a place to chat or sit quietly and pray with people coming and going.

Also as Sarah has begun her curacy she has a lot of different ideas that we can see reaching out to different aspects of our village such as ‘forest school.’ And with Linda also we hope to develop new and exciting opportunities for our children. If you would like to be a part of any of these adventures please do talk to myself, Sarah or Linda.
Most of all my heart is to see God move in and through us that we might see a difference in our lives and the lives of those around us. As you go into this New Year, I hope you will take time to pray and see how God might show you and how you can be a part of all he is doing.
May you know God’s peace this Christmas and his blessings in the year to come.

With Love and Prayers for you all,

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