Sunday 8 January 2017

SERVICES IN THE BENEFICE 18th December – 8th January 2017
SUNDAY 8th JANUARY                                        EPIPHANY
8.30 am
Holy Communion (BCP) at St Cuthbert’s followed by Church Breakfast
10.30 am
Family Service at St Cuthbert’s
Preacher: Roger Flowers
6.30 pm
Evensong at St Andrew’s
8.30 am
Holy Communion (BCP) at St Cuthbert’s
10.30 am
Holy Communion (CW) at St Cuthbert’s
Prayer for Christian Unity
8.30 am
Holy Communion (BCP) at St Cuthbert’s
10.30 am
Prayer for Christian Unity at The Church at the Cross
4.0 pm
Evensong at St Cuthbert’s
Preacher: Roger Flowers

At Communion Services
If you are a communicant member of a Christian Church, you are welcome to come up to receive the bread and wine.  Otherwise you are welcome to either remain in your seat or come up to receive a blessing.  Keeping your hands down by your side will signify to the Vicar that you wish to receive a blessing.   If you have difficulty coming up to the Communion Rail and would like the Vicar to come to you, then please inform a sidesman.


KIM’S DAY OFF is every Friday.  If urgent matters arise on Fridays, please contact Roger on 07768794662.
Monday 9th January
9.30    Sparklers at the Methodist Church Hall
Wednesday 11th January
9.00 am              Prayer Group at St Cuthbert’s
10.00-11.30am   Toddler Cafe at St Cuthbert’s
3.30 pm              Quiet Prayer and Meditation at 20 Kingfisher Close, Great Glen.
7.30 pm              Ladies Night Out at the Grange Farm Pub
Thursday 12th January
7.30 pm          PCC meeting at David Alexander’s
Friday 13th January
7.15 pm                      Choir Practice at Great Glen
Monday 16th  January
9.30    Sparklers at the Methodist Church Hall
Wednesday 18th January
9.00 am              Prayer Group at St Cuthbert’s
10.00-11.30am         Toddler Cafe at St Cuthbert’s
Friday 20th January
7.15 pm                      Choir Practice at Great Glen


Quiet Prayer and Meditation 3.30 pm on Wednesday, January 11th at 20 Kingfisher Close, Great Glen.   New members are encouraged and will be made very welcome.  More information from Christine Higgins, Tel. 259 2624.

 Ladies Night Out will be meeting on Wednesday 11th January at the Oadby Grange Farm pub at 7.30pm. Mo John is going to be the new organizer for LNO during the next few months, as Carole Henson will be attending nightschool on Wednesdays. Mo has kindly offered to help. The following dates will be 22nd Feb, 15th March and 19th April. Please contact Mo with any enquiries and to book your place.
Tel; 0116 2593504 or e-mail 

 Christmas Offerings  - there is still time! If you haven’t been able to join in sending money to this cause there will be a box at the back of church for the next couple of weeks.  It would be great if we could get enough to send at least 10 of the children back to school. We have raised £1000 so far and if we could give a bit extra that would be a real blessing.  Here is a reminder of what we are raising money for this year.  Having received an urgent message from Bishop Stanley we have decided to support the Primary School in Arusha, Tanzania. There are 20 students who are unable to continue their education after Christmas as their parents are not able to pay the fees.  Each year costs from £150 to £200 per child depending on which class they are in (infants £150 and juniors £200). 

Prayer for Christian Unity 22nd January at 10:30 am at the Methodist Chapel. It is an opportunity to gather together in prayer and fellowship so please join us. This will be our 10:30 service for that Sunday.

St Andrew's Church Tower - now the scaffolding is in place work is about to start on the tower roof and should be finished by the end of March.  Finance, including grants, is in place.  Hopefully, this will conclude the major work on the church at Burton Overy.

Advance Notices
Sunday January 29th from 7:30-9:00 pm there will be an extra service held at St Cuthbert's Church. There are different groups of Christians from various churches in Great Glen and we all have one thing in common, a heart to see God move in a new way in Great Glen. So we are gathering together to pray for the village. There will be prayer stations, worship, and a short service run by various Christians from the village, followed by light refreshments. If you have a heart to see God do new things in the village then come and join us for prayer so that we might open the door for God to do new things among us.  Any further questions please see Kim.
Coffee Morning at The Springs, Carlton Lane, Burton Overy on Saturday 4th February - 10.30-12.00 - cake stall and raffle.  Proceeds will be divided between the Bethlehem Rehabilitation  Hospital, the Jeel al Amal Boys Orphanage and the St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem.  The trip in March to the Holy Land, led by Kim and Canon Philip Norwood, will be visiting the Rehabilitation Hospital and the Boys Orphanage.  Please support this event, so that those of us who are not travelling to the Holy Land may be involved in some small way in the pilgrimage.
Please pray for:-
·         Margaret Bannister, Gracie,  Elizabeth Tacey, Mollie  Alexander, Kimberley Tyler and all who are ill
·         the soul of Joan Kirby who passed away recently (Funeral 12:00 pm Monday the 23rd January at St Cuthbert’s)
·         Arthur Hodgson who will be baptised at St Andrew’s on 29th January
·         the people in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, and Gaza, and all other places of conflict in the world, that peace may return

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