Friday 22 June 2018

news in the pews

Sunday 24th June – Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Collect for Today:
Gracious Father,
by the obedience of Jesus
you brought salvation to our wayward world:
draw us into harmony with your will, that we may find all things restored in him,
our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Post Communion Prayer:
comfort of the afflicted and healer of the broken, you have fed us at the table of life and hope: teach us the ways of gentleness and peace, that all the world may acknowledge the kingdom of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

Services Today
St Cuthbert’s
8:00 am
Holy Communion (BCP)

St Cuthbert’s
9.15 am
Morning Worship Service
with All Age Communion

St Cuthbert’s
10.45 am
Holy Communion


Tuesday 26th June 7.30pm
Bible Study House Group at The Springs, Carlton Lane, Burton Overy.

 Saturday July 7th - Burton Overy Churchyard Working Party  
All hands on deck to tidy up the churchyard - if you can give an hour or two in the morning, there will be a job for you - bring your own shears and strimmers.

Treasurer Needed
After many years of service Jane Parkinson would like to step down as treasurer. We've have so appreciated all of her hard work in keeping our affairs in order. Now we are looking to find someone to take her place. You do not need to be an accountant just someone good with numbers. Jane is happy to show someone how to do the books so there is training available. There are others who do the deposits and write the cheques we simply need someone to do the account. If you have the skills or know someone who does please talk to Kim or one of the church wardens. 

Ladies Night Out - 22nd August
Our next meal, Ladies, will be at lunchtime on 22nd August. I have provisionally booked 10 places at the Old Crown, Tur Langton for 12.30pm. If you are interested in coming please contact me as soon as possible.
A future notice for December is again a provisional booking with Launde Abbey for 14th December lunchtime, more details in the next Magazine. However the December meal out will be open to bring a friend/partner. Mo and I look forward to seeing you at church, or around the villages.
Contact details:
Mo John
               Tel. 0116 2593504.
               Tel. 0116 2403368

MEN’S CURRY NIGHT Wednesday 4th July at 7:30 pm. Men of all ages welcome, friends as well. For more information contact Charlie on 07534 401547 or

Prayers for Healing
Special prayers for healing will be available during communion at the 9.15 am service the first Sunday of each month. Please come up for communion and if you wish to have prayer simply go the area near the font where there will be people to pray with you.

Please Pray for:
·       Mollie Alexander
·       Margaret Bannister
·       Sue Burnham
·       Christine Higgins
·       Katherine Higgins
·       Elizabeth Tacey
·       Martin Tacey
·       Dave Neal
·       and all who are ill.
We give thanks for the lives of
Katherine Higgins and Valerie Smith, and we pray for their families.

Please Pray also for our Worship Workshop children
as we have a quiet day at Launde Abbey this Monday. There will be 50-60 children from the deanery villages going to learn more about how to pray in different ways through drumming, silent crafts, nature walks and more. So please pray that God would help them learn more about the power of prayer during our time together. 

St Cuthbert’s School, would you please pray for the school this week in particular as Moira Bartlett, Chris Taylor and Kim, as part of the governing body, seek to appoint a new Head Teacher. Mrs Burbidge has decided it is time to retire and we wish her all the best for the future. The interviews will be held this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Team Paperwork
We have received the initial paperwork for our three churches becoming a team with Oadby. As you know this has been a few years in the making and we are now in the final stages of coming together as a team. There is a set of these papers in each church available for anyone who wants to read them. There is also details of who to contact if you have any questions or would like to dispute any areas written in the paper. Please do take the time to have a look.


Monday 25th June
9.30am    Sparklers at the Methodist Hall

Tuesday 26th June
7.30pm    Bible Study House Group, Burton Overy see inside

Wednesday 27th June
9.00am    Prayer Group at St Cuthbert’s
10.00am  Toddler Café at St Cuthbert’s

Friday 29th June
7.00pm    Choir Practice at St Cuthbert’s

Sunday 1st July 
St Mary's
8:00 am
Holy Communion (BCP)
St Cuthbert's
9:15 am
Morning Worship Service
with All Age Communion
St Cuthbert's
10.45 am
All Age Service with Baptism

St Cuthbert's
8th July
8:00 am

Holy Communion (BCP) + Breakfast
St Cuthbert's
9:15 am
Morning Worship + Sunday School
St Cuthbert's
10.45 am
Holy Communion
St Andrew’s
6.30 pm